Before The Soil Gets Rich, Be

by: andrewbeene
t’s fast and it’s furious. They say life begins at 40. I don’t want to wait that long to worry about my retirement benefits. I went to a friend’s house the other day to ridiculously play videogames. Sadly, virtual violence was not available that time since guys from construction companies in San Francisco were advising my friend’s old folk for his grand kitchen and bath San Francisco-based construction.
Mr. Emerson, 68, retired late from his mailman legacy. I found myself questioning the legalities of the construction. Most old folks worry about mortgages and the maintenance of their homes against collateral claims of philanthropic banks. Yet, here he was hiring remodeling contractors in San Francisco. I smell money laundering in the middle of a recovering economy.
I humbly asked Emerson where he got the money. He said from his former work. That’s fishy. Who could, in his late 60’s, afford a kitchen remodeling in San Francisco with rates deserving of royalties from new breed of business-minded youngster to do construction in San Francisco, CA? He was just a mailman, no offense. He said he can and he will. After all, he is getting discounts from those good guys. They were his customers.
I asked again “how?” with an antagonist tone. He said he stopped watching TVs for four hours in his 20’s. That puzzled my detective, more of defective, mind. Apparently, old Emerson worked as a humble mailman and an herbal supplement dealer during the day. Instead of spending time listening to 60’s and 70’s radio and TV advertisement, he sold products at work and got himself loyal customers. These customers recommended him to their relatives and his network grew big. The rest is history, as they said. He gave a secret to me on what to how to enjoy life when I finally get to his age or as he said the “age when the soil gets rich.” What to do with your retirement money? Simple. None.
Never ever spend your retirement dough. He told me that there were hard times when he encountered devastating situations wherein needed money just to get by. Emerson nibbled himself in short sheets instead of wasting his retirement benefits. I guess there is logic in his words. Wisdom comes with age but at a very young age, Sir Emerson predicted his future. Now, his future shines brightly. He enjoys his money and even planning for a trip to the Bahamas with his 2 sons.
I’m now thinking very solid about this. His grandson, my friend, kept telling me to stop purchasing adult entertainment videos online and save it for better things later. I can gladly say I’m over that part. I should be deciding very fast and furious about this saving and thriftiness and all. I guess I’ll live in a mansion someday if I save some nickels and dimes today. I’ll beat that mansion with a rabbit’s head as its trademark, you’ll see.


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